Ever since I found the screen cap paradise site, I've been working on a new set of Buffy tarot cards. Here are links to the artwork - 78 little collages. If you know how to use tarot cards and you have lots of printer ink, feel free to print these out and use them. Meanings and commentary for each card will follow shortly (or eventually).
0. The Fool (Harmony)
1. The Magician (Ethan)
2. The High Priestess (Willow)
3. The Empress (Joyce)
4. The Emperor (Giles)
5. The Hierophant (Quentin Travers)
6. The Lover (Amy)
7. The Chariot (Caleb)
8. Justice (Jenny)
9. The Hermit (Andrew)
10. The Wheel of Fortune (Kendra)
11. Strength (Kennedy)
12. The Hanged Man (Faith)
13. Death (The Master)
14. Temperance (Olivia)
15. The Devil (The First)
16. The Tower (Glory)
17. The Star (Dawn)
18. The Moon (Incan Mummy Princess)
19. The Sun (Robin Wood)
0. The Fool (Harmony)
1. The Magician (Ethan)
2. The High Priestess (Willow)
3. The Empress (Joyce)
4. The Emperor (Giles)
5. The Hierophant (Quentin Travers)
6. The Lover (Amy)
7. The Chariot (Caleb)
8. Justice (Jenny)
9. The Hermit (Andrew)
10. The Wheel of Fortune (Kendra)
11. Strength (Kennedy)
12. The Hanged Man (Faith)
13. Death (The Master)
14. Temperance (Olivia)
15. The Devil (The First)
16. The Tower (Glory)
17. The Star (Dawn)
18. The Moon (Incan Mummy Princess)
19. The Sun (Robin Wood)
20. Judgment (Warren)
21. The World (The First Slayer)
Ace of Wands (Tara)
Two of Wands (Ford)
Three of Wands (D'Hoffryn)
Four of Wands (Larry)
Five of Wands (Olaf)
Six of Wands (Katrina)
Seven of Wands (Principal Snyder)
Eight of Wands (Amanda)
Nine of Wands (Rack)
Ten of Wands (Forrest)
Page of Wands (Ben)
Knight of Wands (Owen)
Queen of Wands (Cordelia)
King of Wands (Wesley)
Ace of Swords (Riley)
Two of Swords (Pat)
Three of Swords (Ted)
Four of Swords (Lily)
Five of Swords (Veruca)
Six of Swords (The Anointed One)
Seven of Swords (Doc)
Eight of Swords (Trick)
Nine of Swords (Willy the Snitch)
Ten of Swords (Adam)
Page of Swords (April)
Knight of Swords (Graham)
Queen of Swords (Drusilla)
King of Swords (Spike)
Ace of Cups (Oz)
Two of Cups (Sweet)
Three of Cups (Clem)
21. The World (The First Slayer)
Ace of Wands (Tara)
Two of Wands (Ford)
Three of Wands (D'Hoffryn)
Four of Wands (Larry)
Five of Wands (Olaf)
Six of Wands (Katrina)
Seven of Wands (Principal Snyder)
Eight of Wands (Amanda)
Nine of Wands (Rack)
Ten of Wands (Forrest)
Page of Wands (Ben)
Knight of Wands (Owen)
Queen of Wands (Cordelia)
King of Wands (Wesley)
Ace of Swords (Riley)
Two of Swords (Pat)
Three of Swords (Ted)
Four of Swords (Lily)
Five of Swords (Veruca)
Six of Swords (The Anointed One)
Seven of Swords (Doc)
Eight of Swords (Trick)
Nine of Swords (Willy the Snitch)
Ten of Swords (Adam)
Page of Swords (April)
Knight of Swords (Graham)
Queen of Swords (Drusilla)
King of Swords (Spike)
Ace of Cups (Oz)
Two of Cups (Sweet)
Three of Cups (Clem)
Four of Cups (The Buffybot)
Five of Cups (Kathy)
Six of Cups (The Judge)
Seven of Cups (Sunday)
Eight of Cups (Cassie)
Nine of Cups (Halfrek)
Ten of Cups (Scott Hope)
Page of Cups (Darla)
Knight of Cups (Parker)
Queen of Cups (Buffy)
King of Cups (Angel)
Ace of Pentacles (The Mayor)
Two of Pentacles (The Bringers)
Three of Pentacles (Jesse)
Four of Pentacles (Luke)
Five of Pentacles (Knights of Byzantium)
Six of Pentacles (The Gentlemen)
Seven of Pentacles (Percy)
Eight of Pentacles (Principal Flutie)
Nine of Pentacles (Rona)
Ten of Pentacles (Maggie Walsh)
Page of Pentacles (Gwendolyn Post)
Knight of Pentacles (Jonathan)
Queen of Pentacles (Anya)
King of Pentacles (Xander)
Five of Cups (Kathy)
Six of Cups (The Judge)
Seven of Cups (Sunday)
Eight of Cups (Cassie)
Nine of Cups (Halfrek)
Ten of Cups (Scott Hope)
Page of Cups (Darla)
Knight of Cups (Parker)
Queen of Cups (Buffy)
King of Cups (Angel)
Ace of Pentacles (The Mayor)
Two of Pentacles (The Bringers)
Three of Pentacles (Jesse)
Four of Pentacles (Luke)
Five of Pentacles (Knights of Byzantium)
Six of Pentacles (The Gentlemen)
Seven of Pentacles (Percy)
Eight of Pentacles (Principal Flutie)
Nine of Pentacles (Rona)
Ten of Pentacles (Maggie Walsh)
Page of Pentacles (Gwendolyn Post)
Knight of Pentacles (Jonathan)
Queen of Pentacles (Anya)
King of Pentacles (Xander)