Wednesday, February 13, 2008

...something a little too clean about this clown

Mostly Filler, Installment 23
2:11 Ted
three's not company
when our unsuspecting joyce
falls for a robot
Funniest Moment
The rug doesn't go with the rest of the decor?? Are you serious? Total copout writing, like the original scene was too long and somehow, just somehow, they had to figure it out! Cracks me up every time. Adds charm.
Favorite Character: Ted
Not in a cuddly way, obviously, but John Ritter is just so fabulous, especially near the end when he's broken. Creepy with a capital EEP.
Best Dressed: Joyce
This dress is to die for. Feels sort of Asian-inspired, I love the colors, and she looks fantastic in it while still staying in mom character.
Worst Dressed: Buffy
Sorry for the fuzzy, but this was the only shot I could find that shows the entire ensemble. It's not so much that it's a bad outfit (well, I think it is, but I could see another point of view), but it's rather inappropriate for miniature golf. Who wears those big, clonkin' shoes to play outside?
Musings, in no particular order:
  • I want to punch Xander when he agrees to go to mini-golf. I hate that, when you're trying so hard to get your friend to understand your message and lay off already, but no, they just keep blindly on, completely messing up your plan and making you look like an idiot. Not that that ever happens to me...
  • Jenny is just so pretty in this episode. Pretty and sad.
  • Willow, Xander and Cordy working together is awfully adorable.
  • The moment Ted comes back from the supposed dead is one of the top 5 creepiest moments in the entire series for me.
  • Jenny shooting Giles is sort of an icon for their entire relationship, nothing but a comedy of errors. It's just not fair. It's just not right.
  • The cop interrogating Buffy is amusing with his questions that don't go in logical order or make any sense. This show definitely has an anti-police bent, and forgive me, but this example of that makes me laugh. I can't help it.
  • I was pro-Buffy point of view from the start of this thing. I don't care if Ted is a robot, a demon or philanthropist of the year. I still hate him, and I don't blame poor Buffy one bit for being suspicious. Mom, what were you thinking?! And then I just love the "HA!" when it turns out the slayer's instincts were right all along. Well, duh.


Ted wallpaper and icons (shareable)

Ted Drabble
Cordelia ponders
OK, pros and cons. Pro…
Well, I’ll start with cons. Con, he’s a total spazbunny and everyone knows it. Con, I certainly couldn’t tell the girls or take him to prom. Con, he hangs out with those uber losers. So what if I helped them out today, it’s not like I had something better to do. Con, the clothes. ‘Nuff said.

But pro, he smells good. And he’s not all fake like, well, everyone else I’ve dated so far in my high school career. I know, I know, you wouldn’t think he would be a good kisser.

But he is.
Thanks for reading. Visit Mostly Filler again soon!
Credits: Screencaps found at screencap-paradise. Photoshop brushes from Illegitima. Fanart lyrics from Dar Williams' song Mercy of the Fallen.

Monday, February 4, 2008

I checked the shrub box

Mostly Filler, Installment 22
2:10 What's My Line, part two
read slayer handbook
check in for watcher's orders
um, not this slayer
Funniest Moment:
No, he's good now.
Giles is so dry. I love that.
Favorite Character: Xander
True, this isn't a Xander-centric episode, but he gets his share of excitement. For one thing, it's the official start of Xander/Cordy, which is one of my favorite ships of all time. And he's just so Xander-like in this episode. I have a plan. We wait. Buffy saves us. That's pretty much his plan throughout. Angel's our friend. Except I don't like him. Yeah, that's pretty much a theme for all time, too, in the world of Xander. You just want to hug him.
Best Dressed: Willow
Adorable. With the rainbow and the fuzzy sweater and the tights. Just adorable.
Worst Dressed: (also) Willow
There's cute, and then there's no-wonder-they're-always-donning-hideously-ugly-sunglasses-on-this-show. You'd have to to be able to look at this outfit.
Musings, in no particular order:
  • I like Kendra, and I like the idea of the next slayer being called when Buffy died, but I'm having logic issues here. If Kendra's watcher sent her to Sunnydale, wouldn't she have known about Buffy? If the slayer died and came back to life, wouldn't that be big news in watcher world? Ditto for a new slayer being called.
  • LOL at What's the flum? Remind me to say that more often.
  • Kendra's lipstick is the exact color of a shade of Premo clay, rusty red or some such thing.
  • Cordelia's revelation that she is in fact both a winter and a summer cracks me up every time. When I was in middle school, my mom and I were so into the whole Color Me Beautiful deal. We had fabric swatches and parties and a good old time. I'm a summer, by the way.
  • I love the camera shot of Drusilla through the lace. Fabulous. I think Drusilla is a winter.
  • Eb diminished 9, eh? I intended to learn to play the guitar in college. In music for elementary school teachers (which is very funny to someone who's just changed from being a music major) we could choose piano, guitar or autoharp. Well, obviously I wasn't about to play the autoharp. But in the end I got too busy and did the lazy playing of the instrument I already knew how to play. That was stupid. Therefore, I still can't play the guitar.
  • Why does Drusilla keep a stash of holy water? In case she's feeling masochistic? Yesterday, there was an outing to some cute little shops with gifts and candy and art and yarn and whatnot. The candy shop had hot chocolate mix labeled "holy chocolate" with the claim that every grain had been blessed. Blessed by what, I do not know. But it made me laugh and think to myself - ooh, secret vampire weapon.
  • Why is Drusilla still mourning her family and blaming Angel? She's evil, so she should be happy about it, right? Then again, Dru is crazy, so things aren't always right side up.
  • I wish this episode had Jenny. Then again, I wish that about most episodes.
  • On the bright side, it did have Oz, and I love Oz. I mock you with my monkey pants. All monkeys are French...


What's My Line part two Wallpaper (shareable)


What's My Line part two Drabble

The Slayer Handbook, Chapter 3, Section 8, If Your Watcher is Injured

Sometimes in the course of your supervision, your watcher may sustain injuries. After all, a watcher is not imbued with the supernatural strength with which you, the slayer, have been blessed. Do not endeavor to save your watcher, unless to do so would mean to continue in your normal course of killing a vampire or demon. Only after danger has passed should you tend to the needs of your watcher. Then, of course, you should do everything you can to get him to safety – remember that the resources of the council are limited, and your watcher is a valuable commodity.


Thanks for reading. Visit Mostly Filler against soon!

Credits: Screencaps found at screencap-paradise and photoshop textures from creamuts.